Ben Kwashi preaching.

A Call to Revitalize Preaching


Anglican Compass is proud to publish the Rev. Canon David Roseberry’s new book, 10 Ways to Preach the Church Year. It has already received widespread endorsements, including the introduction, reproduced below, from the Most Rev. Dr. Ben Kwashi, who served as Archbishop of Jos, Church of Nigeria from 2008 to 2017 and General Secretary of GAFCON from 2019 to 2023.

When my long-time friend, David Roseberry, told me about 10 Ways to Preach the Church Year, I recognized its immense value. This book is not just another resource; it is a clarion call for the renewal of our pulpits and the revitalizing of our preaching ministry. With 150 preaching ideas or prompts to consider, it is a fantastic guide for preachers worldwide, challenging us to raise the bar in our study of Godโ€™s Word, our sermon preparation, and our trust in the preaching event.

I have been to Christ Church in Plano, Texas, many times, and these prompts for each of the fifteen liturgical days of the year are part of the overflow from the authorโ€™s notes, sermons, study, and experience as a preacher. It is clear that by the power of the Holy Spirit, the pulpit has fueled the expansion and growth of that wonderful congregation. 

In the Diocese of Jos (Nigeria), we have consistently emphasized the central importance of the Word of God and, consequently, every pastorโ€™s responsibility to preach and live according to Biblical teaching.  Donald Coggan, a former Archbishop of Canterbury, described the necessary and humbling, yet highly privileged, role of the preacher in memorable words:

Here is the miracle of the divine economy, that between the forgiveness of God and the sin of man standsโ€”the preacher!  That between the provision of God and the need of man standsโ€”the preacher!  That between the truth and God and the quest of man stands โ€“ the preacher! It is his task to link human sin to forgiveness, human need to divine omnipotence, human search to divine revelationโ€ฆ

Donald F Coggan, Stewards of Grace (Hodder and Stoughton, 1958), p.18

We could also add that between life and death, between heaven and hell, standsโ€”the preacher!  A battle is underway, as it has been in every age.  Forces such as Islam, Secularism, Paganism, and Materialism state their positions boldly. They stake their claims without hesitancy. What word do we have as an answer? We have the Word! That is all we have, and that is enough! Brothers and sisters, preach it!

I pray God will use 10 Ways to Preach the Church Year significantly. I hope it will be a tool that will be one of your “go-to” resources as you prepare for the most significant days of our church year. 

Every preacher who takes up this book is called to remember the weight of your calling and the potential impact of your words. Let us commit to delivering Godโ€™s Word in a way that transforms lives, builds the Church, and advances Godโ€™s kingdom in these difficult times.

I wholeheartedly commend this book to you. May it be a catalyst for a new era of powerful, Christ-centered preaching that brings renewal to our churches and hope to our world.

Purchase the paperback edition now, exclusively on Amazon.

Cover image of the Most Rev. Ben Kwashi digitally edited by Jacob Davis from photos by Church of the Holy Spirit (Roanoke, Virginia) and no_limit_signatures from Getty Images.


Ben Kwashi

The Most Rev. Dr. Benjamin Kwashi served as Archbishop of Jos (2008โ€“2017) in the Church of Nigeria and as General Secretary of GAFCON (2019โ€“2023). He is married to Gloria, with whom he has six children.

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