Lynette had rarely spoken a word in the last 18 months as she sat in her memory care facility in Frisco, Texas. But things changed when volunteers from Redemption Anglican Church in Frisco decided to start a worship service in Lynetteโs facility. As those volunteers began leading the prayer book liturgy, Lynette began to open…
Powered by Church Planting: Analyzing Growth in the ACNA
From 2018-2022, only four dioceses in the ACNA reported attendance growth. While this is discouraging, there is also a sign of hope. A clear pattern emerges among the four growing dioceses: they are doing so through church planting.
7 Principles for Anglican Church Planting
This article is adapted from Dan Alger’s book: “Word and Sacrament: Ancient Traditions for Modern Church Planting.” 1. Anglican Church Planting Begins With Submission Our church planting work does not begin with our plans and our vision; our planting work starts in submission. If you want a megachurch and a book deal, don’t plant an…
Liturgy Moves Us Toward Mission
We are pleased to share this interview with Winfield Bevins, author of Liturgical Mission and Simply Anglican. The interview was edited for clarity and length. Why were you interested in writing about liturgy and mission? The book comes out of my own experience. I write and teach about liturgy and mission. The book is also a convergence of…
New Wineskins: One Mission
New Wineskins hosts the largest Anglican-focused missions conference in the world. The 2022 conference is September 22-25, just outside Asheville, NC. There will be four days of outstanding teaching and workshops with 120+ speakers! Register for the free livestream here or visit the website here. The goal is for hundreds of people attending the conference…
Winfield Bevins on “Liturgical Mission”
The following is excerpted from “Liturgical Mission” by Winfield Bevins, published by IVP. Winfield is also the author of “Simply Anglican,” published by Anglican Compass. The word mission comes from the Latin word missio, and simply means “sending” or “being sent.” If we are sent, then there must be a sender. From a Christian perspective,…
Story of a Multicultural Church Plant
With over 337 languages, the United States has become one of the most multicultural and multilingual nations on earth. To meet the challenge, the Anglican Church in North America has embraced a broad range of individuals who are carrying out the church planting mission. Through this diversity, one can see that one size does not…