The Lord’s Prayer: A Rookie Anglican Guide

Posted on January 10, 2025

The Lordโ€™s Prayer is one of the most well-known features of Christian worship. Many Christian denominations, even ones that donโ€™t use pre-written prayers in their worship services, still teach children this prayer in Sunday school. However, to many Christians, Anglicans included, it can easily lose its meaning through rote repetition. So why do we pray…

Gethsemani at sunset. For Silence.

Stepping into Silence

Posted on September 3, 2024

Stepping into a rhythm of silence is counterintuitive to everything we practice in our society, but it has many gifts to impart.

The Decalogue: A Rookie Anglican Guide

Posted on March 12, 2024

The Decalogue is a responsive paraphrase of the Ten Commandments, used (sometimes) in the Sunday Communion service. Each commandment is recited by the priest and is followed by a congregational response. For example, here is the first commandment: God spoke these words and said: I am the Lord your God. You shall have no other…

Sliced Bread. For Prayer of Humble Access.

The Prayer of Humble Access: A Rookie Anglican Guide

Posted on October 14, 2019

The Prayer of Humble Access is a traditional part of the Anglican service of Holy Communion. I recently learned how beloved the Prayer of Humble Access was to so many Anglicans when I posted about it on Twitter. I posted what I thought was a slightly humorous tweet poll that indicated some questions I have…

Isnโ€™t Eating and Drinking the Body and Blood of Jesusโ€ฆGross?

Posted on August 19, 2019

A common reaction I am a lecturer at an evangelical liberal arts college. One of my main responsibilities is to teach the Christian doctrine course required for all undergraduates. In every class, the question of what is or isnโ€™t happening at the Lordโ€™s Table is always a source of fascination and debate. โ€œWait a minute,โ€…

Holy Communion: A Rookie Anglican Guide to the Eucharist

Posted on August 27, 2018

This article was originally written in 2018 using the 1979 BCP and updated for the 2019 BCP in 2023. Important: As with all of our Rookie Anglican guides to the Prayer Book, differences will exist between what exists here and other historic and global Prayer Books. Have you ever wondered whatโ€™s going on during a…

A Gift of God: The Eucharist Revives a Weary Christian

Posted on May 4, 2018

โ€œOK, letโ€™s sing that verse again,โ€ the worship leader said. โ€œAnd this time sing it with everything youโ€™ve got!โ€ I was sitting in the back row of the church cradling a sleeping baby. I was lonely and exhaustedโ€”deeply disconnected from the upbeat music coming from the stage. A voice inside my head whispered back to…

Sacramental Theology

Posted on March 20, 2013

Sacramental theology emphasizes that God utilizes his creation to convey grace to humanity. During the Reformation and the period known as the โ€œSettlement,โ€ the Church of England maintained the concept of the Sacred and the transmission of God’s grace through elements of creation. Today, sacramental theology is integral to Anglican thought and practice.