Chris Borah

Chris Borah


The Rev. Chris Borah is the Vicar and Planting Priest at Christ the King Anglican Church in Beckley, West Virginia, in the Anglican Diocese of Christ Our Hope. He is the husband of Jodee, dad to three delightful kiddos, and father to many sons and daughters in Christ. He isย a lover of chess, guitar, woodworking, Nintendo, C. S. Lewis, pickup soccer games, and puzzling with his bride.

Individual and Collective Sin โ€“ Principles for Action

Posted on July 6, 2020

How should we balance personal (individual) moral responsibility with collective (group) moral responsibility? Holy Scripture is replete with examples of individuals transgressing Godโ€™s law and destroying themselves and others. The law of Moses has many provisions for individuals to bring sacrifice to atone for individual sins. There are also countless examples of people, tribes, nationsโ€”collective…

We Need Oneness, Not Sameness

Posted on June 5, 2020

โ€œWe are all the same.โ€ This is a rallying cry we see again and again as we sift through the wreckage of our conflicts over differences. Itโ€™s a phrase thatโ€™s trying to take away pain, but it isnโ€™t telling the truth. Differences are real. Declaring that differences donโ€™t exist doesnโ€™t just erase the beauty of…