Jumping and Joyful: On the Alignment of Dobbs and John the Baptist

Posted on June 23, 2023

June 24th marks the anniversary of Dobbs v. Jackson, the Supreme Court decision which overturned Roe v. Wade and ended the era of unrestricted abortion. June 24th is also the Feast of the Nativity of John the Baptist, who leaped in the womb at the presence of Christ. It’s a jumping and joyful providence. Celebrating Dobbs…

St. Francis in the 21st Century

Posted on September 8, 2016

The Rule of Saint Francis for regular people belonging to a secular order, known as the Third Order, was first penned in the early 13th century. Third Order Franciscans work their jobs, raise their kids, and live into the Franciscan ideas of generosity, love, and prayer while surrounded by, and participating in, the world around…