A Tale of Two Nursing Homes

Posted on October 17, 2015

Last evening my family stopped by Walgreen’s for soft drinks, chips and candy.  Another family — dear friends — visited Dollar Tree to purchase a variety of inexpensive gifts.  A few minutes later we met at Peaceful Haven, a local nursing home, one that provides services for those at the lower end of the economic…

Words, Words, Words

Posted on October 16, 2015

In the beginning was the Word. The preachers’ dilemma:  words used to communicate the deep mysteries of God are like mallets used for brain surgery — blunt and clumsy instruments, ill-suited for the task.  Yet, they are what we have in that brief liturgical window allotted the sermon each Sunday.  So, we struggle to make…

Speech Acts

Posted on October 15, 2015

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.  God spoke and called worlds into being:  “Let there be,” God said, and there was, and it was good — creation by speech act.  A speech act consists of words, and sometimes gestures, which not only express but create that which is expressed. Speech acts are…

Marriage and Mystery

Posted on October 14, 2015

Tomorrow, in new cassock and surplice and for the first time as priest, I will read the Gospel and lead the matrimonial prayers in The Celebration and Blessing of a Marriage.  The couple is young and dear and in love (with Christ and with one another) and is, I feel confident, about as ready for…

First Blessings

Posted on October 13, 2015

I am a husband and father, a high school math teacher, a lover of books and music and coffee, a sinner by fallen nature and a saint by the grace of God in Christ Jesus.  And now, as of 17 May 2015 — exactly fifty years and two weeks after my baptism — I am…