I decided to gather these ‘greatest hits’ in a single Stewardship digest. These posts distill some of the most practical applications of the issues raised in Giving Up. Here they are…up-to-date.
Meet Ben Gill: The Church’s Best Stewardship Leader
Just Posted this at LeaderWorks: Ben Gill is THE man when it comes to Stewardship, Capital Campaigns, and raising money for Kingdom work. The impact of his company Resource Services, Inc. is incalculable. They helped us (at Christ Church) raise the millions of dollars needed for the acquisition and expansion of our campus. And after…
Stewardship for the Last 100 Days of the Year
Over at LeaderWorks, I have written a few posts on stewardship over the last month. The Digest is here. But this last post will pull everything together in a sample ‘Stewardship Emphasis Program’ for your church this Fall. It is not too late to do something specific and practical. So here are ten things to make…