10 Ways to Preach the Church Year cover

10 Ways to Preach the Church Year

10 Ways to Preach the Church Year is a practical guide for pastors looking to revitalize their preaching through the liturgical calendar. Whether you’re new to the Church Year or seeking fresh inspiration, this book provides ten sermon ideas for each of the key seasons and eventsโ€”Advent, Christmas, Easter, Pentecost, and more. With thoughtful suggestions for…

Book cover for The Liturgical Home: Lent

The Liturgical Home: Lent

In the tapestry of the Christian liturgical year, the season of Lent emerges as a profound and transformative journey. It is a journey that prepares us for the most miraculous event in our lives, the death and resurrection of Jesus. In a culture that frequently prizes instant gratification and superficial pleasures, Lent calls us to…

Liturgical Home Easter

The Liturgical Home: Easter

Rediscover the beauty of the historical celebration of Easter. Easter is the high point of the Church year, but it is often celebrated for one day and then we move on. Historically, Easter was celebrated for fifty days! Fifty days of celebrating and feasting the resurrection of Jesus. This special season is known as the…