Good news! We’ve completed the latest edition of the Daily Office Booklet. This edition will take you through Morning and Evening Prayer with the lectionary readings from January through April 2025. As always, we’ve rendered PDFs for you to print in both booklet and full-page form. Click the links below to download! Booklet Form (TAKE…
The Liturgical Home: Good Friday
Good Friday is the most solemn day of the church year. It holds profound significance for Christians, commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary. We solemnly remember the sacrificial acts of Jesus, who bore the sins of humanity and โreconciled to himself all things, whether in heaven or on earth, making…
10 Ways to Preach on Maundy Thursday
What is Maundy Thursday? The liturgy for Maundy Thursday begins a three-day observance of the most holy events in the Christian Liturgical calendar. Known as the Triduum, the service of Maundy Thursday, followed by Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and the Easter Vigil, cover a four-day/three-night journey into the heart of the Christian Gospel. The name…
The Stations of the Cross: A Rookie Anglican Guide
Almighty God, whose most dear Son went not up to joy but first he suffered pain, and entered not into glory before he was crucified: Mercifully grant that we, walking in the way of the cross, may find it none other than the way of life and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives…
The Liturgical Home: Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week, the holiest week of the liturgical year. During Holy Week, we walk with Jesus through his final days before his crucifixion. The tone of this week begins with joy as we remember his triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Like the people in the Bible, we wave palm branches…
Today in the Spirit: Palm Sunday B
Thus far in Lent, having walked in Mark and John with Jesus through conflict, we now come to Holy Week and the final upsurge of opposition ending in our Lordโs death in Jerusalem. As always on Palm Sunday, the combining of the Triumphal Entry and the Passion narratives will send us as worshipers reeling in…
10 Ways to Preach the Palm Sunday Sermon
In David Roseberryโs ongoing series of posts on 10 Ways to Preach, we come to Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week. Palm Sunday features a diverse mix of stories and traditions, encompassing the events from the Lordโs triumphal entry to his burial in a tomb. For that reason, it is challenging to determine what…
Today in the Spirit: Lent 5B (Passion Sunday)
In the BCP 2019, you will find that the Fifth Sunday in Lent is also titled Passion Sunday. This is a pre-Vatican II designation for the Sunday beginning the week of Passiontide, which lasts through the Saturday before Palm Sunday in those churches that still observe it. The readings this deep in Lent bring us…
Today in the Spirit: Lent 4B (Laetare Sunday)
The church takes us this week to another event of Jesusโ ministry in which he comes into conflict with unbelief in the world. In Lent, the church intends for us to meditate carefully on the challenges we face with unbelief in our daily lives, both our own and those we face from others. The assigned…
Today in the Spirit: Lent 3B
As we walk in the lenten season with the Son of God incarnate, the church exposes us to instances in the Gospel narratives in which Jesus comes into conflict with the religious establishment of his day and the spiritual powers of darkness which have perverted the revelation of the law. On Sundays in Years A…