The Rev’d Dr. Peter Johnston, Ministry President of Anglican Compass, interviews the Rev’d Calvin Robinson, an Anglican deacon in the Free Church of England, about his participation in a debate at the Oxford Union in Oxford, UK, on whether Christianity should allow same-sex marriage. In his speech, he defended the traditional Christian view of marriage…
A Report from the Asbury Revival
How did the revival start? There have been people praying for revival in Wilmore for months, maybe years. Groups of students and seminarians gathering to pray. Historically, when you look at revivals, prayer precedes revival. It was a normal Wednesday chapel service, in Hughes Auditorium. But a dozen students stayed afterword for prayer, and students…
Liturgy Moves Us Toward Mission
We are pleased to share this interview with Winfield Bevins, author of Liturgical Mission and Simply Anglican. The interview was edited for clarity and length. Why were you interested in writing about liturgy and mission? The book comes out of my own experience. I write and teach about liturgy and mission. The book is also a convergence of…