10 Ways to Preach the Trinity Sunday Sermon

Posted on May 27, 2023

There is a standard joke about a church rector making up the calendar for preaching. He decides to preach all the easy Bible passages. Pentecost? It’s a piece of cake! The Transfiguration? Childโ€™s play. Christ the King Sunday? Not a problem. But then he looks at the Bible readings for the Feast of the Holy…

10 Ways to Preach the Pentecost Sermon

Posted on May 18, 2023

The significance of Pentecost cannot be overstated. It is the most important event in the history of the church because, well, it started the history of the church. It marked the coming of the Holy Spirit, the birth of the church, the empowerment of the apostles, the inception of their mission, and the expansion of…

10 Ways to Preach the Ascension Sermon

Posted on May 4, 2023

The Feast of the Ascension often finds itself eclipsed by other monumental events in the life of Christ. This is due primarily to its occurrence on a Thursday, unlike other momentous occasions such as the Baptism of Jesus, the Transfiguration, Easter, and Pentecost, all celebrated on Sundays. However, the Ascension is far from a secondary event,…

10 Ways to Preach the Good Friday Sermon

Posted on March 22, 2023

As a pastor, when I encouraged people to attend our Good Friday liturgy, I would say something like this: โ€œOn Good Friday, we gather to remember the life and ministry of Jesus of Nazareth and his death upon the Cross. If youโ€™re wondering whether to attend, I ask you to consider one question. Would you…

10 Ways to Preach the Transfiguration Sermon

Posted on February 14, 2023

Preaching the Transfiguration Sermon is indeed a high calling! (Get it?) Though the Feast of the Transfiguration is August 6th in the lectionary, we read the story at the end of Epiphany, on the Sunday before Ash Wednesday. The Transfiguration serves both as a dramatic epiphany of Jesusโ€™s identity and a fitting preparation for the…

10 Ways to Preach the Baptism of our Lord

Posted on January 1, 2023

In 2016, I led a tour of 30 adults through the Holy Land, and one of our stops was the newly renovated site on the Jordan River, commemorating John the Baptist’s baptism of our Lord. I led our group in the renewal of vows, sprinkling and praying over 29 of the 30 pilgrims. Then, one…

10 Ways to Preach the Christmas Eve Sermon

Posted on December 8, 2022

You Need a Sermon Elf Parish preachers are trying to balance lots of things right now. They have a sermon to prepare for Christmas Eve. That is enough to make most people start to sweat. But wait, there is more. Preachers have the rest of Advent to lead their congregation, being careful not to leap…

The Great Commandment

Posted on November 3, 2021

Notes on the lectionary with Deacon Lincoln Anderson. Visit the series page. And the scribe said to him, โ€œYou are right, Teacher. You have truly said that he is one, and there is no other besides him. And to love him with all the heart and with all the understanding and with all the strength,…

Your Faith has made you well

Posted on October 21, 2021

Notes on the Lectionary with Deacon Lincoln Anderson. Visit the series page at AnglicanCompass.com/NotesOnTheLectionary And throwing off his cloak, he sprang up and came to Jesus. And Jesus said to him, โ€œWhat do you want me to do for you?โ€ And the blind man said to him, โ€œRabbi, let me recover my sight.โ€ And Jesus said…