A Rule of Life for Online Discourse

Posted on August 13, 2020

During a tumultuous year where much of our interpersonal interaction has been relegated to online spaces, many of us have found ourselves at odds with others on Facebook groups, Twitter threads, or any myriad of blog comment sections. Lively discussion about important matters should not be discouraged whenever there is a possibility of mutual growth…

A Review of โ€œUncommon Ground: Living Faithfully in a World of Difference,โ€ Edited by Timothy Keller and John Inazu

Posted on May 14, 2020

Timothy Keller and John Inazuโ€”along with 10 other contributors, ranging from Tish Harrison Warren to Lecraeโ€”have put together a book that describes โ€œhow Christians can engage with those around us, while both respecting people whose beliefs differ from our own and maintaining our gospel confidenceโ€ (xi). They are looking for a way forward for the…