How to Make Disciples at Home: Use the Creeds!

Posted on March 14, 2021

In giving the Great Commission, Jesus does not call us to make converts, nor does he call us to make professional theologians. He calls us to make disciples. Then He plainly tells us the โ€œWhoโ€ โ€“ all nations โ€“ and the โ€œHowโ€ โ€“ baptize and instruct in the teachings of Christ. This is both a…

Zoom Church: Five Tips for Engaging Young Children in Worship at Home

Posted on April 8, 2020

For the past three Sundays, weโ€™ve joined Christians around the world in worshipping from our living rooms. As a mom of three children under five, itโ€™s heartbreaking to see their disappointment at not being able to go to church. They miss church. Of course they miss itโ€”so do I! On Palm Sunday, as we marched…