Funny You Said That: Stewardship and Humor (Giving, Part 3)

Posted on August 31, 2018

From LeaderWorks: helping leaders do their work. Normally, you wouldnโ€™t find a blog post on humor mentioned in a series on Stewardship, Giving, and Generosity. The topic of stewardship and giving is not an easy one to speak about. It makes some people feel very uncomfortable. Both speaker and listener share long moments of angst when…

Ten Ways Clergy Can Beat the Heat on Sunday

Posted on August 8, 2015

It has been a scorching hot summer in many places in the US.  In Texas we are staring at triple digits all week-end long.  Clergy tend to get a bit hot under the collar about church attendance in the summertime anyway.  However, there are a few ways we might be able to make summer attendance a bit more…