4 Essential Elements of Missional Leadership

Posted on June 24, 2020

Leading a church through the changes required for missional living is seriously complex work. Many people, understandably, are fearful of the disruption taking place in our culture. With political and racial tensions reaching new heights in our communities, neighbors now see one another as enemies. Having any sort of conversation, let alone a faith conversation,…

Telos Collective #Intersection19: Day Three Recap

Posted on May 19, 2019

What a great conference! Special thanks to the Telos Collective, to Trinity Anglican Church in Atlanta for hosting, and to all of the speakers: Day three of the conference was just a half day, but we got to hear from two awesome bishops, Ric Thorpe and Todd Hunter. Bishop Ric Thorpe: Missional Ecclesiology: A Perspective…

Telos Collective #Intersection19: Day Two Recap

Posted on May 18, 2019

A Roman Catholic, two Anglicans, and an Anabaptist walk into a conference andโ€”voilร !โ€”you’ve got day two (Friday) of the Telos Collective’s 2019 Intersection Conference. Especially for an introvert like myself, it’s been a bit like drinking from a fire hose here in Atlanta today. Summarizing and weaving together William Cavanaugh’s, Tish Harrison Warren’s, Winfield Bevins’,…

Telos Collective #Intersection19: Day One Recap

Posted on May 17, 2019

Things are up and running here in Atlanta for the Telos Collectiveโ€™s 2019 Intersection Conference on Anglican Missional Ecclesiology. Hereโ€™s a brief recap of day one. Hans Boersma: โ€œProclaiming the Gospel through the Eucharistโ€ After Archbishop Foley and Bishop Todd Hunter got things started, we heard from Hans Boersma on โ€œProclaiming the Gospel through the…