Ashley Tumlin Wallace

Ashley Tumlin Wallace


Ashley Tumlin Wallace, the author of the Liturgical Home series of books and articles at Anglican Compass, is a homeschooling mom of four. She is also the wife of an Anglican priest. She and her family live in the panhandle of Florida, where they plantedย Apostles By-the-Sea Anglican Church. Ashley fell in love with the seasons of the church when she was a young mom searching for meaning and a way to interweave more of the things of God into her daily life. See more on her Instagram.

Advent Around The World: 10 Fun & Funny Traditions

Posted on November 18, 2020

Years ago I started researching a book about celebrating Advent. I learned so many things along the way! Here are ten of my favorite unusual discoveries about Advent. 1) Plum pudding has zero plums in it and sits in your cupboard for five weeks!ย  In England and Ireland, plum pudding is an extremely popular dessert…

The Liturgical Home: What is Advent?

Posted on November 29, 2019

The following is an excerpt from The Liturgical Home: Advent by Ashley Wallace. What is Advent? All of Scripture is a sacred love story, the love of God the Father for His people. It is a story filled with expectation, longing and fulfillment. From the beginning, God has lovingly walked with us, called to us, and…

Try These 3 “Las Posadas” Recipes This Advent!

Posted on November 21, 2019

Want more Advent recipes, devotions, and traditions to try at home? Check out A Thrill of Hope: Celebrating Advent at Home (Revised and Expanded for 2020)! Picture this. Every evening during the last nine days before Christmas, a great crowd forms in the village streets. A small child dressed as an angel leads the figures of…

My Top 4 Favorite Family Advent Traditions

Posted on November 11, 2019

Advent is one of my favorite seasons. As a person who did not grow up celebrating Advent, I have absolutely fallen in love with it. Advent is beautiful and holy and full of hope! (If youโ€™d like to read more why you should follow the Church calendar in your home this Advent, you can read…