Did Jesus Wear Tassels?

Posted on March 1, 2023

The men of that region recognized him and sent out to all the country nearby and brought to him all those who were sick. They begged him that they might touch merely the tassels of his garment. And all those who touched it were healed (Matthew 14:35-36). Why would Gentiles in what is now Jordan…

Did Jesus Reject the Jewish law?

Posted on February 15, 2023

This article is part of a series on Jesus the Jewish Messiah by Gerald McDermott. Click here to view other articles in this series. I have not come to abolish but to fulfill (Matthew 5:17). In his 1526 lectures on Jonah, Martin Luther taught that Jesus attacked Judaism and โ€œabolished the Law through His Holy…

The Apocrypha: A Rookie Anglican Guide

Posted on September 12, 2018

Many people coming into the Anglican tradition have been told that the Apocrypha is bad, that its books are pure mythology, or that they distract from the aim of Scripture. Yet, upon closer examination, there seems to be a place for the Apocrypha. The New Testament contains allusions to the Apocrypha, and these writings enjoyed…

Good Friday and the Language of Sacrifice

Posted on March 29, 2013

Shouldn’t it be called “Bad” Friday? Radical Sin, Radical Savior It was a horrible thing that we human beings killed our creator. He came to us in lowly form, as a poor baby in a manger. He taught, he healed, he preached, he loved, he forgave. And not in spite his grace and love, but…

Sacramental Theology

Posted on March 20, 2013

Sacramental theology emphasizes that God utilizes his creation to convey grace to humanity. During the Reformation and the period known as the โ€œSettlement,โ€ the Church of England maintained the concept of the Sacred and the transmission of God’s grace through elements of creation. Today, sacramental theology is integral to Anglican thought and practice.

What do Anglicans Believe about Holy Baptism?

Posted on March 13, 2013

All Christians, not just Anglicans, should trust their baptism. If they believe that Baptism is something God does in and for us, not something we do. And that is exactly how the early Church and the Reformers saw this sacrament! God brings people to the water of baptism. He sends his Holy Spirit into their…

Infant Baptism: Why do Anglicans Baptize Babies?

Posted on March 6, 2013

Why baptize infants? The Anglican theme verse for children would have to be, โ€œLet the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.โ€ Matthew 19.14 Starting very early in the life of the Christian Church, Christian children were seen as members of the covenant community…

How to Read Scripture

Posted on March 1, 2013

In the Parable of the Talents, Jesus pictures God investing in us. The investments are gifts of his grace that empower us to bear fruit for his kingdom. One of those great gifts we enjoy is the wide accessibility of the Bible in English, with high literacy rates, and the ability of pastors to be educated…