We Praise You, O God: Reflections on the Te Deum

Posted on August 8, 2023

The Early Church has furnished us with a wellspring of liturgical resources. Studies in this area have seen a minor renaissance as modern Christians, particularly Evangelicals, have expressed a desire for a living tradition to hold on to. [1] They desire for this tradition to not simply be the accepted beliefs and practices of those…

Getting Started with the Daily Office: A Rookie Anglican Guide

Posted on July 25, 2023

Letโ€™s face it: to the modern ear, โ€œDaily Officeโ€ sounds more like your workplace than your prayer routine. However, while this โ€œofficeโ€ is not the workplace that it sounds like, it is, in a certain sense, a task or, more appropriately, a vocation. The odd name comes from the Latin officium divinum, which means โ€œdivine…

Family Prayer: A Rookie Anglican Guide

Posted on July 7, 2023

Do you want to introduce the Daily Office into the life of your family, but the length of those prayer times is a bit daunting for your small children? Or do you want a quick version to do yourself when you have a busy workday? Family Prayer is here to help! It is for exactly…

Midday Prayer: A Rookie Anglican Guide

Posted on June 30, 2023

Our days are busy. Life is a nonstop hustle from the time we finish breakfast until we get home from work or school. Lunch itself may be eaten on the go. In the midst of it all, we often neglect Paul’s instruction to โ€œpray without ceasingโ€ (1 Thes. 5:17). However, Midday Prayer is here to…

When Two or Three Are Gathered: Reflections on the Prayer of St. John Chrysostom

Posted on June 28, 2023

Introduction Few preachers in the Patristic Church are as admired and enduring as John Chrysostom.[1] Born in A.D. 349, John developed a love for the written word that his mentor, Diodore, heavily influenced. In response to the rising trend of allegorical interpretation, Diodore and his apprentice emphasized that the Bible should be taken in its…

Compline: A Rookie Anglican Guide

Posted on June 21, 2023

Compline as Night Prayer Many of us are accustomed to saying a quick prayer before bed. The church has a formal tradition of doing this called Compline, the final of four prayer times collectively called the Daily Office in the Book of Common Prayer. Unlike the two principal offices, Morning and Evening Prayer, Compline (as…

Full Circle with Anglican Compass: The Editor’s Story

Posted on June 14, 2023

Becoming the editor of Anglican Compass is a full-circle experience. Itโ€™s possible that I wouldnโ€™t be an Anglican without Anglican Compass, much less have been ordained a priest in this tradition. I spent my first 34 years in Southern Baptist churches, after all. Only God could have orchestrated the journey by which he led me…

Evening Prayer

Evening Prayer: A Rookie Anglican Guide

Posted on June 8, 2023

Evening Prayer can be a great way to transition from the busy rhythms of work or school into a more restful, reflective last chapter of the day. Multiple authors have explained the value of such prayer for finding God, emotional stability, and even verse memorization. Like all our offices of daily prayer, it can be…

Daily Office Booklet 2023, Volume 2: May through August

Posted on April 26, 2023

Good news! We’ve completed the latest edition of the Daily Office Booklet. This volume will take you from May through August 2023. Click the links below to download! TAKE NOTE! For the booklet form, remember to print double-sided and along on the short edge.  If you need the Daily Office Booklet for January through April 2023,…

Emotional Stability in the Daily Office

Posted on February 3, 2023

Stability is required in any relationship. This is no less true for our Divine relationship than it is for our human ones. Just as marriages fail if fueled only by emotional highs, so Christians who live their lives seeking ecstatic experiences soon burn out. As a teenager and young man, I was seeking these Divine…