“Amazing Grace” is a universal anthem of God’s grace to sinners. Now sung all over the world, it began as the personal testimony of John Newton, Anglican priest and former slave trader. Like Paul and the woman with the alabaster jar, Newton loved God much, because he had been forgiven much. Newton’s hymn traveled across…
Hymn Guide: How Lovely is Thy Dwelling Place
“How Lovely is Thy Dwelling Place” is a hymn of longing and spiritual ascent. It is a paraphrase of Psalm 84 and began in the ancient Hebrew practice of pilgrimage to Jerusalem.
Hymn Guide: Morning Has Broken
“Morning Has Broken” is both an international pop classic and a hymn of uncommon theological depth. It begins the day with praise to God for the beauty of his creation and the sustaining power of his Word. The story of the hymn begins with Anglican priest Percy Dearmer, who wanted a text set to the…
A Holy Place: Preserving Historic Churches
A few weeks ago, my church took a field tripโone that went over the road and almost 200 years into the past. A small group of us met in one of our villageโs oldest buildings, a tiny stone chapel constructed in 1853 to serve the tiny population of English settlers whoโd brought their faith with…
Hymn Guide: Lift High the Cross
“Lift High the Cross” is a hymn of missionary encouragement and spiritual victory. It sets forth the paradox of the cross: that an instrument of torture and death has become a symbol of triumph and life.
Our Church Speaks: The Voice and Vision of Ben Lansing
If you have spent time on social media with enough other Anglicans, chances are youโve come across Ben Lansingโs artwork. In a few short years, he has built up a collection of over 250 portraits called Our Church Speaks, inviting viewers to engage with the words and lives of saints from throughout the ages. His…
Remembering Rod Whitacre: The Ukulele Evangelist
In early 2023, the Rev. Dr. Rod Whitacre sat in a hospital bed, reflecting on his life with his son Chad. He was receiving treatment for lymphoma and would soon decide to come home to hospice care. Together that day, they remembered Rodโs many published contributions to New Testament studies, including the IVP New Testament…
Rogation Sunday: A Rookie Anglican Guide
Rogation Sunday and the three subsequent Rogation Days commemorate Jesus’ final days on earth before his Ascension. Accordingly, these days focus on the earth, the work of agriculture, and on human dependence upon God. On Rogation Sunday we especially remember to abide in Christ the Vine, to receive his love and bear fruit in love…
On This Most Holy Night: An Easter Vigil with the Arts
An Ancient Tradition The first Easter Vigil I ever attended was in southern Ukraine, what is now annexed Crimea. I was 15 years old, on a spring break mission trip with my Christian high school. I donโt remember as much as I wish I did (and I admit I was smitten with a particular boy…
Good Shepherd Sunday: A Rookie Anglican Guide
On Good Shepherd Sunday, we both acknowledge that we are sheep who go astray and also glory in the good news that Jesus is our shepherd. Typical features of the day include a collect on the theme of the Good Shepherd and the reading or singing of Psalm 23 or Psalm 100. The gospel reading…