Elizabeth Demmon

Elizabeth Demmon


Elizabeth Demmon is a writer and musician who grew up in the Anglican tradition. She studied clarinet and English at the University of Denver, including a semester with the School for International Training in Dakar, Senegal, studying arts and culture. She received a masterโ€™s in biblical studies from Trinity School for Ministry. Elizabeth is married to Mike, an Anglican priest and U.S. Army chaplain, and together they have three children. Their military assignments take her family far and wide, where Elizabeth has served and taught in parishes and chapels in several states.
Our Church Speaks saints by Ben Lansing

Our Church Speaks: The Voice and Vision of Ben Lansing

Posted on June 13, 2024

If you have spent time on social media with enough other Anglicans, chances are youโ€™ve come across Ben Lansingโ€™s artwork. In a few short years, he has built up a collection of over 250 portraits called Our Church Speaks, inviting viewers to engage with the words and lives of saints from throughout the ages. His…

Remembering Rod Whitacre: The Ukulele Evangelist

Posted on May 8, 2024

In early 2023, the Rev. Dr. Rod Whitacre sat in a hospital bed, reflecting on his life with his son Chad. He was receiving treatment for lymphoma and would soon decide to come home to hospice care. Together that day, they remembered Rodโ€™s many published contributions to New Testament studies, including the IVP New Testament…

A Renaissance of the Christian Imagination: The Anselm Society

Posted on November 14, 2023

Brian Brown and his wife, Christina, put their finger on a troubling trend within their community ten years ago. They noticed that friends of theirs who were artists often felt forgotten or even mistrusted within the church, so they had to find other communities to support their artistic endeavors. Churches, in turn, had little idea…

Cinnamon-Scented Discipleship: Curating Art in Childrenโ€™s Ministry

Posted on September 29, 2023

Known, Loved, Not Alone At Restoration Anglican Church in Arlington, VA, this distillation of the Gospelโ€”known, loved, not aloneโ€”permeates all aspects of childrenโ€™s ministry. Itโ€™s on small group leadersโ€™ T-shirts, printed with whimsical illustrations on stickers to take home, and echoed in every lesson. Kids are repeatedly reminded: God knows you (Genesis 1:27; Psalm 139:1-4). He…

The Return of Mere Anglicanism (With Lessons from C.S. Lewis)

Posted on January 27, 2023

CHARLESTON, SC – It was as sunny and welcoming as ever to the Anglicans gathering from far and wide on Thursday, January 26th, as the Mere Anglicanism Conference returned to the historic downtown district. Seven years since the conference was last held, it was completely sold-out weeks ahead of time, showing high interest for an…