Introducing editor Jacob Davis.

Announcing our New Editor

Posted on June 4, 2023

Anglican Compass is glad to announce its new Editor: The Rev. Jacob A. Davis. Jacob is a priest in the Anglican Diocese of Christ Our Hope and serves as Assisting Clergy for Pastoral Care at Grace Anglican Church in Louisville, KY. Since 2020, he has also worked in Web Development with LimeCuda. A graduate of Reinhardt University…

Grief in the Psalms

Posted on March 9, 2023

How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? (Psalm 13:1). Psalm 13 captures the heavy heart of Lent in this somber passage. Alone with his grief, the Psalmist cries out to be seen by God. Similarly, Psalm 22 begins, “My God, My God, why have…

Don’t Come Home The Leader (General Convention 2003)

Posted on January 3, 2023

High Stakes The General Convention of 2003 looked to all who gathered as likely to be the defining moment in the battle for the soul and the future of the Episcopal Church, and indeed, of global Anglicanism. After the fact, most would say it was. V. Gene Robinson had been elected Bishop of New Hampshire….

Top 10 Articles of 2022

Posted on December 30, 2022

What a year! 2022 started out slowly, as Anglican Compass transitioned from its founding generation to its new leadership. But the year ended with a bang, with November setting an all-time traffic record of 96,000 views, and then December far surpassing it, with 125,000 and counting! It’s not just the quantity of views that excites…

The Many Magi Fundraiser (& Matching Grant)

Posted on December 23, 2022

Today we announce The Many Magi Fundraiser, an annual effort inspired by the gifts of the magi, and culminating on the feast of the Epiphany (January 6th). This year we are particularly glad to share that we have received a matching grant of up to $12,000, so that all new Patreon donations will be doubled. The…

Parish Project: Making Advent Wreaths

Posted on November 26, 2022

Advent is a perfect season to connect church and home. Here are ideas for making Advent wreaths together at church, together with ways to use them at home. Why Advent Wreaths? The purpose of Advent is to prepare our hearts to celebrate the coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, both the first and…

A Compass Pointing North

True North: A Simple Vision

Posted on November 14, 2022

As part of our True North Campaign, we are publishing articles highlighting the impact of the Anglican Compass. Here, we welcome Winfield Bevins, who shares why he writes for Anglican Compass and his vision for our future. Enjoy! Our Focus I began writing for Anglican Compass in 2014. I was originally compelled to write for…

Put No Confidence in Princes!

Posted on November 10, 2022

When considering politics, Christians should remember God’s clear command: “Put not your trust in princes” (Psalm 146:3). Or even sing this verse in its metrical translation, and sing it loudly: “PUT NO CONFIDENCE IN PRINCES!” The Legitimacy of the State This is not to deny the importance of the political sphere. With authority established by God,…

True North: Anguish and Compass

Posted on November 7, 2022

As part of our True North Campaign, we are publishing articles that highlight the missionary impact of Anglican Compass. Here we welcome David Roseberry, our first Publisher and one of our most prolific authors. David shares his journey and his wisdom for the next era of Anglican Compass.  Peter Johnston, the new Ministry President for…

Introducing Author Zooms

Posted on November 2, 2022

We are excited to announce a new initiative at Anglican Compass: Author Zooms. What is an Author Zoom? A Zoom conversation that features the author of a recent Anglican Compass article. What is the structure of an Author Zoom? After opening with prayer, the Anglican Compass team will interview the author, and then we will…