Here Are All the Morning and Evening Prayer Scripture Readings for this Church Year (ACNA Daily Office Lectionary Year B, 2017-2018)

Posted on December 18, 2017

UPDATE: The ACNA has released a new (January 2018) Daily Office Lectionary. CLICK HERE to access the new version. In the interests of making the ACNA Daily Office Liturgies and Lectionary more accessible, I’ve been creating Rookie Anglican Daily Office Booklets for just over a year. As I prepare to release the next Daily Office…

Reading Scripture in Anglican Worship

Posted on June 30, 2016

Anglicans read four passages of Scripture during Sunday worship. Out loud. So do some other traditions, Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Lutherans and others. We’re not competing with our fellow believers in other traditions, but we do read a lot more Scripture in our worship than most Bible churches do (intentional friendly barb). Why do we do…