Alex Fogelman

Alex Fogleman


Dr. Alex Fogleman is Associate Dean for Special Programs and Assistant Professor of Theology at Trinity Anglican Seminary. He holds a PhD in Patristics and Historical Theology from Baylor University, an MDiv from Regent College (Vancouver, BC), and a BS from North Carolina State University.

Manipulating Catechesis: A Note of Caution

Posted on November 19, 2020

As one who thinks and writes a lot about catechesis, I was delighted to read Zachary Jonesโ€™ recent article, โ€œCatechesis as a Weapon against Racism.โ€ In it, Jones makes the salient but easily neglected point that racism is a cosmic as well as terrestrial force, a battle over what it means to be human as…

Why Do We Baptize Babies If They Cannot Make a Profession of Faith?

Posted on January 2, 2020

Many people coming to Anglicanism stumble over infant baptism. They come for the beauty of the liturgy, the appreciation of both Word and Sacrament, of Scripture and Tradition. But for many, whether Baptist or not, infant baptism is a hang-up. There are many good reasons for such worries and many good answersโ€”including on this site…

Why do Anglicans Say the Creeds?

Posted on August 20, 2018

Confessing Creeds in the Contemporary World Anyone new to Anglicanism will soon realize the importance of creeds. The two most common are the Apostlesโ€™ Creed, said at Morning and Evening Prayer, and the Nicene Creed, which is said during the Sunday liturgy and on major feast days. The former is shorter and earlier in origin,…

Confirmation: A Rookie Anglican Guide

Posted on March 8, 2018

What is Confirmation? Confirmation is a church practice that falls into the category of what the Anglican Catechism calls “rites and institutions commonly called sacraments.” Along with Confirmation, there are four others like it: Absolution (confessing one’s sins and receiving forgiveness in the presence of a priest), Ordination, Marriage, and Anointing the Sick. These practices,…

What is Catechesis?

Posted on March 6, 2018

The Ancient Roots of Catechesis  The word catechesis comes from the Greek word katฤ“cheล, which means simply to teach or instruct. It appears some eight times in the New Testamentโ€”four by Luke (Luke 1:4; Acts 18:25; 21:21, 24) and four by Paul (Rom. 2:18, 1 Cor. 14:19; Gal. 6:6, where it occurs twice)โ€”usually to refer…