Greg Crosthwait

Greg Crosthwait


The Rev. Greg Crosthwait is blessed to be a husband, father, and pastor. A priest of the Diocese of Ft. Worth, he trained for ministry at Dallas Theological Seminary. He is the Planting Priest of Church of the Incarnation, Bryan/College Station, and Campus Pastor forย Anglican Aggies.

What Does It Mean to Believe in the “Communion of Saints”?

Posted on December 5, 2019

The Illustration I remember the sermon illustration well. A tightrope walker strings a tightrope across a gorge. He walks back and forth across the rope to the awe and delight of the audience. He then pushes a wheelbarrow back and forth. After that feat, he asks the astonished crowd, โ€œDo you think I can do…