Phillip Wilson

Phillip Wilson


Phillip Wilson is the Associate Pastor at St. Andrewโ€™s Park Circle and a Financial Specialist at Pinnacle Financial Partners. He has a B.A. in Youth Ministry from Charleston Southern University and is a current student at Trinity School for Ministry. He is Married to Karey, and they have two children, Sanders and Allie. Follow him on Twitter: @philliprwilson.

The Four Gs of a Bi-Vocational Minister: Part 1, Guts

Posted on August 6, 2018

As we look to have a conversation around bi-vocational ministry, a good start is taking the time to look at four key areas in the life of the minister: God, Gal/Guy (marriage), Guts (personal health) and Grit (professional work). These are called “the four Gโ€™s of the minister,” a framework first introduced to me by…

Bivocational Life: Connecting the Secular and Sacred in Pastoral Ministry

Posted on June 18, 2018

Another Article about Bivocational Ministry?! Articles about bivocational ministry are not uncommon. A quick Google search can yield articles that express both positive and negative feelings about it. When praying through my call to bi-vocational ministry, I spent many hours reading these articles. However, to me, bi-vocational ministry had more of a negative connotation than…