Years ago, after an evening of moral failure, I attempted to reconcile with God while on a run, wrestling with whether I meant my recitation of the common confession. A Run with the Confession I woke up with a moral hangover. I tried to fall back asleep to avoid the guilt and shame swirling in my…
Can Anglicans in North America Offer Something Better Than Gay Marriage?
In middle school, I realized I was gay and my family left The Episcopal Church. As a celibate Anglican now seeking ordination to the diaconate, I care deeply about how the Anglican Church in North America teaches and embodies Godโs wisdom for sexual stewardship. After exploring why the ACNA has a responsibility to offer gay…
COVIDโ19 Targets Single Christians
Note: As the prevalence of shelter-at-home orders and complete lockdowns increases, some solutions suggested in this article may become increasingly unwise. Everyone is accepting some level of self-imposed loneliness today so that those we love can have more life tomorrow. Even if some feel they are bearing more of that burden than others, they can…
How to Provide the Sacrament of Family to Single People
In the face of senseless suffering, itโs easy to doubt that God exists. Family is a sacrament that could make all the difference. But what happens when someone lacks the sacrament of family? Whether in the form of a miscarriage, suicide, divorce, terminal illness, sexual abuse, job loss, or the slow revelation of the everyday…
3 Ways to Make Singleness a Win for the Gospel
The Church needs to see more Christians faithfully walking out lifetime singleness for the sake of the kingdom (AKA “celibacy”). That witness helps the Church grasp the hope of the gospel and begin living into the reality of the kingdom today. No witness to this hope is more moving than that of Christ himself. Jesus…