Tai French


Tai French is a homeschooling mother of seven. A rookie Anglican herself, she loves learning more about the traditions and practices of Anglicanism. She especially enjoys incorporating the rhythms, history, and liturgy into her home and homeschool life.

Rogation Days in Coronatide: Beseeching the Lord of the Harvest

Posted on May 18, 2020

During Rogation Days last year, I joked with our priest about making the drive to our home to pray over and bless our little garden patch for the spring. Rogation Days seemed like a charming ritual, sweet and a little antiquated. After all, if our zucchinis failed, there was the farmerโ€™s market, the grocery store,…

The 12 Days of Christmas: A Rookie Anglican Guide to Christmastide

Posted on December 16, 2019

Sure, you’ve heard the song, but did you know that the “12 days of Christmas” actually start on Christmas Day (Dec. 25) and go until the day before Epiphany (Jan. 5)? So, December 25 is the first day of Christmas. December 26 is the second day. And so on, until the twelfth day of Christmas…

Saint Lucy’s Day: A Rookie Anglican Guide

Posted on December 12, 2019

Flickering candles, hot coffee, and saffron buns (here’s a recipe!). This Scandinavian Advent tradition has its roots in the story of a 3rd-century martyr who brought light and aid to Christian saints in hiding. Celebrated on December 13 (one week after St Nicholas day), the feast day of St. Lucy is one of warmth, light,…

What They Are Saying about “A Thrill of Hope” by Ashley Wallace!

Posted on November 27, 2019

The following is Tai French’s review of A Thrill of Hope: Celebrating Advent at Home by Ashley Wallace. If you, like Tai, enjoy A Thrill of Hope, would you please leave a 5-star review on Amazon? It’s the best, easiest way to get the word out about the book! A brief and delightful read, A…

All Saints’ Day: A Rookie Anglican Guide

Posted on October 21, 2019

While the close of October is typically known for Halloween, its liturgical forerunner is All Hallows’ Eve (Oct. 31) followed by All Saints’ Day on November 1st. Even though many saints of the church are remembered throughout the calendar year, All Saints’ provides a dedicated day to call to memory those saints who have led…

Holy Michael and All Angels: A Rookie Anglican Guide to Michaelmas

Posted on September 28, 2019

Michael-what? Michaelmas is a shortened form of “Michael’s Mass” (just like Christmas is a shortened form of Christ’s Mass). It is also known as the feast day of Holy (or “St.”) Michael and All Angels. Celebrated similarly to Thanksgiving, Michaelmas conjures images of cool fall days, abundant harvests, and feasting. Festivities focus on the defeat…