An Anglican Mission in Cambodia

Posted on February 11, 2023

We are the Pellonis, a young family with four daughters, living and serving in Cambodia since 2015. Entirely unexpectedly, by God’s providence, we are now worshiping in an Anglican Church, learning all about the church through Anglican Compass, and preparing to serve as Anglican missionaries through SAMS. Finding the Anglican Church in Cambodia When we…

Emotional Stability in the Daily Office

Posted on February 3, 2023

Stability is required in any relationship. This is no less true for our Divine relationship than it is for our human ones. Just as marriages fail if fueled only by emotional highs, so Christians who live their lives seeking ecstatic experiences soon burn out. As a teenager and young man, I was seeking these Divine…

Finding God in the Daily Office

Posted on January 10, 2023

My first memory of finding God in the Daily Office (Morning and Evening Prayer) was the Lenten season of 2016. My marriage was falling apart, my 11-year-old son was struggling with anger and on the edge of being expelled from school, my work environment was toxic and exhausting: in short, it was the usual trifecta of…

Explaining Our New Prayer Book

Posted on December 19, 2022

When the first Book of Common Prayer was released on Pentecost in the year 1549, it was such a shock to the liturgical and theological intuitions of some portions of the Church in England that riots and rebellions broke out over the matter. Especially in Norfolk and in Devon, and most memorably in the city…

A New Generation of Anglicans

Posted on December 12, 2022

Today there is a new generation of Anglicans joining the Church. Through my work on the Word & Table podcast, and with Saint Paulโ€™s House of Formation, I have had the privilege of meeting and speaking with many. In my experience, the majority of these converts are millennials from evangelical protestant traditions. Over the last…

Finding Cranmer’s Church

Posted on December 11, 2022

I will be received into St. Thomas Anglican (Clifton Park, NY) and the Anglican faith on December 11 by Bishop Love. The most important thing to me is that we are grounded in Scripture, and not the world’s opinion! Anglican Compass and the Rookie Anglican Guides have been integral to my transition. Finding Cranmer’s Church…

Coming to Anglicanism from Another Christian Tradition

Posted on December 5, 2022

As part of our True North Campaign, we are publishing articles that highlight the missionary impact of Anglican Compass. Here we welcome Ed Smither, who explains how Anglican Compass assisted his journey into the Anglican tradition. Enjoy! Answering Questions Coming to Anglicanism from another Christian tradition, I had many questions: The Anglican Compass website became a…

On Anglican Missions in Madrid

Posted on

As part of our True North Campaign, we are publishing articles that highlight the missionary impact of Anglican Compass. Here we welcome Duane Miller, who explains his missionary work in Madrid and the missionary value of Anglican Compass. Enjoy! Let me give you a brief summary of the sort of ministry we have here in the…