Duane Miller

Duane Miller

The Rev. Dr. Duane Miller presently serves as priest at theย Anglican Cathedral of the Redeemer, associate professor at theย Protestant Faculty of Theology at Madrid, and founding co-pastor atย Kanisa, an Arabic-language Christian fellowship. For his books, includingย I Will Give Them an Everlasting Name: Pastoral Care for Christ’s Converts from Islam, go to hisย Amazon author page. For articles and publications, check outย his Academia.edu page. For some of his video lectures, check outย his YouTube channel. Read more from Duane at his blog.

On Anglican Missions in Madrid

Posted on December 5, 2022

As part of our True North Campaign, we are publishing articles that highlight the missionary impact of Anglican Compass. Here we welcome Duane Miller, who explains his missionary work in Madrid and the missionary value of Anglican Compass. Enjoy! Let me give you a brief summary of the sort of ministry we have here in the…

Anglican Contributions to the Church’s Mission to Muslims

Posted on June 24, 2021

A funny thing happened on the way to the 21st century: after over a millennium of almost no conversions from Islam to Christianity, a small trickle started to appear in the 1960s, and it grewโ€”not into a great river but a reliable and steady brook. Whether it was Blessed Ramon Llull (died c. 1315, the…

How to Pastor Converts from Islam: An Interview with Duane Miller about His New Book, โ€œI Will Give Them an Everlasting Nameโ€

Posted on December 7, 2020

The following is an interview with Anglican Compass author Duane Miller about his new book, I Will Give Them an Everlasting Name: Pastoral Care for Christ’s Converts from Islam. How might this book help an Anglican pastor on the ground in ministry? Anglican churches, schools, and ministries throughout the USA, Canada, Europe, and beyond are…

Baptizing a Convert from Islam with an Anglican Liturgy

Posted on April 20, 2020

I didnโ€™t even remember the phone call. One evening when I was loafing around the house an Arabophone brother called me from a foreign country and had some questions about our small Arabophone fellowship, Kanisa. What did we believe? I answered: we had an evangelical orientation and confessed the Apostlesโ€™ and Nicene creeds. Did we…

Priest Ordination

The Anglican Ordination Process: A Rookie Anglican Guide

Posted on January 6, 2020

So youโ€™re thinking about ordained ministry in this or that Anglican community. (If you need guidance on the question, check out this article.) Maybe youโ€™re already ordained in some other denomination. Maybe youโ€™ve been serving in ministry for years but as a layperson (that was my experience). What are some of the general guidelines and…

Cinco Renovaciones Requeridas para la Revitalizaciรณn (5 Renewals Required For Revitalization)

Posted on December 3, 2019

โ€œPastor Anglicanoโ€ is a collaboration between Anglican Pastor and Caminemos Juntos to deliver translated and original content in Spanish. The English original of the following piece is: “5 Renewals Required for Revitalization,” a blog series written by Canon Mark Eldredge. Cinco renovaciones requeridas para la revitalizaciรณn Por el reverendo Canรณnigo Mark Eldredge Traducido por el reverendo Dr….

A Tale of Two Weddings: How Far Should We Stretch the Liturgy?

Posted on September 16, 2019

Ah, Spain. A beautiful country where, every now and then, non-Catholics who are Christians get married. Or a Roman Catholic gets married to a non-Catholic, which often means no Catholic wedding. And sometimes these folks come to us Anglicans. Just how much can the Anglican liturgy be modified? In this article, I want to share…

ยฟPresbรญteros o Sacerdotes?ย Una Introducciรณn al Liderazgo y Ordenaciรณn Anglicana

Posted on August 21, 2019

โ€œPastor Anglicanoโ€ is a collaboration between Anglican Pastor and Caminemos Juntos to deliver translated and original content in Spanish. The English original of the following piece is: Anglican Pastors vs. Priests? An Introduction to Anglican Holy Orders, by Duane Miller. Note that edits have been made to the translation for Latin American contextual reasons. He…

Are Anglican Churches Biblical, “Bible Churches”?

Posted on July 29, 2019

For many years, I attended a church that called itself a “Bible church.” I really loved it and am thankful for everything I received there. But many years later I started to reflect on what exactly that name means. What does it mean to claim that your church is biblical, a “Bible church”? First of…

Anglican Pastors vs. Priests? An Introduction to Anglican Holy Orders

Posted on May 20, 2019

I have been a full-time Anglican minister since 2005 when my wife and I moved to the Middle East as cross-cultural workers (i.e., missionaries). However, I was not ordained to the diaconate until 2017, and to the priesthood in 2018. From 2005โ€“2017, I was involved in ministries of evangelism, discipleship and teaching, first in the…