10 Ways to Preach the Baptism of our Lord

Posted on January 1, 2023

In 2016, I led a tour of 30 adults through the Holy Land, and one of our stops was the newly renovated site on the Jordan River, commemorating John the Baptist’s baptism of our Lord. I led our group in the renewal of vows, sprinkling and praying over 29 of the 30 pilgrims. Then, one…

Letโ€™s talk about Baptism!

Posted on March 22, 2021

Last week in The Curate, we took a look at what Anglicans have to say about the meaning and number of โ€œsacrament/sโ€ in general. This week, letโ€™s take a closer look at what Anglicans believe about the first of the two โ€œsacraments of the Gospel,โ€ Baptism! Article 27: Of Baptism Article 27 of the 39…

Baptizing a Convert from Islam with an Anglican Liturgy

Posted on April 20, 2020

I didnโ€™t even remember the phone call. One evening when I was loafing around the house an Arabophone brother called me from a foreign country and had some questions about our small Arabophone fellowship, Kanisa. What did we believe? I answered: we had an evangelical orientation and confessed the Apostlesโ€™ and Nicene creeds. Did we…

Why Do We Baptize Babies If They Cannot Make a Profession of Faith?

Posted on January 2, 2020

Many people coming to Anglicanism stumble over infant baptism. They come for the beauty of the liturgy, the appreciation of both Word and Sacrament, of Scripture and Tradition. But for many, whether Baptist or not, infant baptism is a hang-up. There are many good reasons for such worries and many good answersโ€”including on this site…

“The Best Children’s Book I Have Read on Baptism”: Why You Should Read “On The Day You Were Baptized” by Sarah Howell

Posted on August 5, 2019

The phrase โ€œremember your baptismโ€ is familiar to many Lutherans and Anglicans alike. Luther famously wrote in his Larger Catechism, โ€œTherefore, if you live in repentance, you walk in Baptism. For Baptism not only illustrates such a new life, but also produces, begins, and exercises it.โ€ But, of course, for those who are baptized and…

Infant Baptism: The First Step of Family Discipleship

Posted on March 4, 2019

I am all about believersโ€™ baptism. Dunk โ€˜em. Letโ€™s do it. A couple weeks into my time as assistant rector at my local parish, we celebrated as a church family when the father of one of our members was baptized as an adult Christian believer. I am also all about infant baptism. Sprinkle that child….