What to Do after College? Check Out Brazos Fellowship

Posted on March 19, 2018

How do we invest in the future leaders of the church? What might it look like for local churches to help college graduates step into adulthood? How can we cultivate lasting habits in young women and men about to embark on their vocations of work and ministry? These are the questions driving Brazos Fellows, a…

Spiritual Preparation for Election Day

Posted on October 20, 2016

The debates are over, and the election approaches. American Christians have more than enough information to discern their presidential choice, even if discernment is ongoing and that choice has not yet been made. Weโ€™re not impoverished for information; we suffer from a poverty of stillness in a sea of contentious noise. Weโ€™re responsible for the…

Are You Called to Ordained Ministry?

Posted on August 14, 2015

My work involves assisting people in what we call the discernment process, which asks “Am I called to Ordained Ministry?” People often want to know a good way to discern an answer to this question. I’ve adapted some material that I’ve written for use in our diocese, that may be helpful. This article doesn’t deal…