The Bible Arranged for Worship: Our Book of Common Prayer

Posted on January 26, 2021

There is a rather common saying that the Book of Common Prayer is composed of 85% bible passages. It is true. As J.I. Packer once said, The Book of Common Prayer is the Bible arranged for worship. I like that. (To learn more about the Book of Common Prayer, read our Rookie Anglican Guide.) On…

How Anglicanism Saved Me from โ€œFollowing My Heartโ€

Posted on December 28, 2020

Hello, my name is Ethan, and I am a recovering expressive individualist. You are familiar with โ€œexpressive individualism,โ€ even if the term isnโ€™t familiar. Iโ€™ll define and describe it below, but phrases like “be authentic” or “follow your heart” capture the idea to a tee. I became an Anglican to “be authentic” and “follow my…

Reading Scripture Together: Recapturing Thomas Cranmerโ€™s Vision

Posted on December 3, 2020

In 2008 Phyllis Tickle made the important observation that about every 500 years, a significant transformation takes place in the Church. She points to the arrival of Jesus in the first century, the collapse of the Roman empire five-hundred years later in the late 5th century, the Great Schism five-hundred years after that in 1054,…

Are Anglican Priests Allowed to Marry? I Sure Hope So!

Posted on December 2, 2020

Can Anglican priests get married? What about deacons? Bishops? As a married Anglican priest myself, I’m happy to report that the answer is “Yes“! As Article 32 of the Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion puts it: Of the Marriage of Priests Bishops, priests and deacons are not commanded by Godโ€™s law, either to vow the estate…

Tell Us More! An Interview with Winfield Bevins about Simply Anglican

Posted on October 2, 2020

We just published Simply Anglican by Winfield Bevins. Winfield graciously agreed to answer some questions about the book’s backstory and what he hopes it will accomplish! What prompted you to write this book? Why do you think itโ€™s important that this book exists? This is a good question. Writing a book is deeply personal. There…

What Do Anglicans Believe? An Overview of Anglican Beliefs

Posted on September 24, 2020

When someone visits an Anglican church, if they are new to our tradition, they often ask, “What do Anglicans believe?” As you can imagine, it is not that easy to summarize the doctrinal beliefs of a global communion with a long history and various schools of thought and practice. Nevertheless, here at Anglican Compass, we…