Baptizing a Convert from Islam with an Anglican Liturgy

Posted on April 20, 2020

I didnโ€™t even remember the phone call. One evening when I was loafing around the house an Arabophone brother called me from a foreign country and had some questions about our small Arabophone fellowship, Kanisa. What did we believe? I answered: we had an evangelical orientation and confessed the Apostlesโ€™ and Nicene creeds. Did we…

Do Anglicans Care as much about Mission(s) as Evangelicals?

Posted on April 11, 2019

It was a sunny day in Glasgow and the preacher was speaking to thousands of people in one of the large parks of the city. I had attended with a number of friends from a Christian campus ministry in Edinburgh where I was working on my PhD in Divinity (focus, World Christianity. Shameless plug: buy…

How to Write an Appeal Letter for Summer Mission Trips

Posted on June 4, 2018

Here they come!  Support letters asking for prayer and/or financial support. For over 30 years I encouraged would-be missionaries to write them.  But now I am starting to receive them.  Heck! We all receive them…sometimes one a week.  They seem to come in endless supply from friends, family, and other relatives. Appeals for support for…