Woman alone in church. For Ancient Words in a Crisis of Faith.

Ancient Words in a Crisis of Faith

Posted on August 12, 2024

The pandemic was lonely, scary, and anxiety-inducing for many people the world over. For me, it was even worse because I felt like the bottom fell out of my life, and the pandemic was the icing on the cake. In 2018, I had finished grad school and moved back in with my parents to start…

A New Generation of Anglicans

Posted on December 12, 2022

Today there is a new generation of Anglicans joining the Church. Through my work on the Word & Table podcast, and with Saint Paulโ€™s House of Formation, I have had the privilege of meeting and speaking with many. In my experience, the majority of these converts are millennials from evangelical protestant traditions. Over the last…

How to Make Disciples at Home: Use the Creeds!

Posted on March 14, 2021

In giving the Great Commission, Jesus does not call us to make converts, nor does he call us to make professional theologians. He calls us to make disciples. Then He plainly tells us the โ€œWhoโ€ โ€“ all nations โ€“ and the โ€œHowโ€ โ€“ baptize and instruct in the teachings of Christ. This is both a…

What Do Anglicans Believe about the Creeds and Holy Scripture?

Posted on February 11, 2020

From The ACNA Catechism The following is an excerpt from the Anglican Church in North Americaโ€™s catechism, To Be a Christian: An Anglican Catechism (Crossway, 2020), pp. 29โ€“35. You can download a PDF of the entire catechism here. The Apostles’ Creed and the Life of Faith All genuine Christians affirm that authentic Christianity is apostolic Christianity. Apostolic Christianity…

Why do Anglicans Say the Creeds?

Posted on August 20, 2018

Confessing Creeds in the Contemporary World Anyone new to Anglicanism will soon realize the importance of creeds. The two most common are the Apostlesโ€™ Creed, said at Morning and Evening Prayer, and the Nicene Creed, which is said during the Sunday liturgy and on major feast days. The former is shorter and earlier in origin,…