Our God is a God of music. He does not sit in his high and noble tower, eternally contemplating his own existence, as some philosophers have hypothesized. He is, rather, always engaged in the drama of his own glory, bursting into the human world with shards of joy that inspire souls to sing out in…
The Liturgical Home: The Feast of St. Mary the Virgin
On August 15th, Christians worldwide celebrate the Feast of St. Mary the Virgin, Mother of Our Lord, honoring the remarkable life of the mother of our Savior, Jesus Christ. It is a joyous occasion filled with reverence, thanksgiving, and reflection on Maryโs profound role in the salvation story. The Life of St. Mary The life…
The Feast of the Visitation: A Rookie Anglican Guide
The Church celebrates the Feast of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary to Elizabeth and Zechariah on May 31st. It commemorates Mary’s visit to her cousin Elizabeth, Jesus’s first meeting with John the Baptist while both were in utero, and Mary’s joyful praise as expressed in her Magnificat. The Collect Almighty God, by whose grace…
St. Mary the Virgin: Reflections from a Former Evangelical
As someone who grew up evangelical Protestant, I always viewed the doctrinal distinctives of the Church of Rome with suspicion. To me, one of the stranger elements of Roman piety and practice was devotion to the Virgin Mary. I always believed Mary was important and special. She miraculously conceived our Lord, after all! However, because…